Do wedding photographers get tipped?

Do wedding photographers get tipped? No, not often.

In some cultures and countries, tipping service providers at a wedding is common practice, while in others, not so much. The truth is, as wedding photographers, we don’t expect a tip. We price our services according to our costs, time, and the quality of work we provide. That being said, if a couple feels like we went above and beyond and wants to give a tip as a gesture of appreciation, it’s certainly always appreciated.

Personally, I’ve received many gifts from clients over the years, often bottles of booze as I leave, maybe once or twice has it been cash.

I think this is telling of how I interact during the day, I’m interested and I ask questions. If there’s a drink I’ve never seen before, I’ll ask about it, and naturally other people enjoy your curiosity.

Ultimately, what matters most to us photographers is knowing we’ve done a great job and helped make your special day just a bit more magical. A satisfied client is worth more than any tip!

As a rule, tipping is not expected (not in the UK anyway) but hey a slice of wedding cake wouldn’t be turned down :)

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