Cassie & Luke
You can see my reflection in the mirror in the very first shot, this was back in the days when I wore a white shirt and a tie. It’s always interesting to revisit old blog posts and see how my work has evolved. This wedding I shot nearly entirely with a 50mm lens, I think the photographs are class and have stood the test of time more than three years later, if you’re looking for a wedding photographer bedfordshire to capture timeless images for you get in touch! Not only the way that I shoot, but the way I edit has also evolved. I’ve veered much more toward a heavier contrast and made the blacks even deeper in my most recent work, these do maintain a timeless feel to them though which I think ages really well. Styles evolve, I think that’s a good thing. My work is much more ‘moment focused’ now that it ever was before, looking for the in-between, rather than those moments that happen within a scripted time frame. This wedding is a yard stick to measure all weddings against, elegant and chic without needing to re-mortgage the house. The mantra is simple, keep design clean and colours simple and choose beautiful locations. Fortunately for these two a family member owned the farmland that they were able to erect the marquee on, but it would make a really interesting case study to find out how many land owners would be willing to let couples put up a marquee for a few days. Times are hard for farmers in the UK, I’d be surprised if you weren’t able to find a patch of land to host a party. Plus you could have pictures with animals, or in a rustic cow shed, or just on a hill admiring the beautiful Bedfordshire countryside.
If you scroll to the bottom, you can see a picture of me with the two guests and they are holding funny glasses up to my face. Most notably, I have hair. It’s funny to look at now, because in all my days of having hair, I never had a good haircut. As Dylan Moran put it, I have Irish hair, it never looked windswept and interesting, more, storm battered and ridiculous. There were a few shots that didn’t make the cut here, mostly because they were nsfw, i can paint you a picture though. Boys all in a line, all facing me in an impromptu ‘lads’ group shot, some decided to expose themselves, and i’ll leave it there. Hilarious no doubt, and always fun to deliver to the clients who have no idea, but not necessarily apt if you’re browsing this page at 8pm on a Thursday eating your dinner. As always, I’m here to help. I’m a real boy (Pinocchio Shrek voice) behind the keyboard, if you have any questions give me shout, more than happy to help you on your journey.